Kuromoji Tea Benefits: Know How it Helps to Relax Your Mind and Body

Enjoying your favourite cup of tea is an excellent way to escape the chaos of the day. Teas are a staple part of Japanese culture that stretches back over a millennium. The tea here is more than just another beverage. 

There are over 100 different types of teas that vary in flavour depending on the leaves, growing regions, and processing methods. Kuromoji is one of the most popular types of Japanese tea. It is a fragrant non-caffeine tea popular in Japan.

Let us dive deeper to know the benefits of Kuromoji tea and how it helps to relax your mind and body. 

What is Kuromoji Tea?  

Kuromoji is a deciduous shrub that grows across Japan. Kuromoji or spice bush tea is made from the leaves and branches of this deciduous shrub. This traditional herbal tea has been consumed for a long time in Japan for its health benefits. It is easy to prepare as well, you only need to place a tea bag in a cup of hot water and steep for a minute. Kuromoji tea is readily available as well, so you can easily buy unique Japanese tea online.  

  1. Anti-stress Effects: The prevalence of stress and anxiety is increasing among people of all age groups around the world. Kuromoji tea is a well-known stress reliever that can soothe a troubled mind. Consumption of this herbal tea can reduce depression and anxiety levels. The presence of linalool in Kuromoji has a calming effect on you and enhances relaxation
  1. Zero Calories: If you're looking for an easy way to lose a little weight Kuromoji tea may help. The zero-calorie tea makes it easy to lose weight. A hot cup of this aromatic tea has numerous health benefits due to its zero-calorie quotient and presence of antioxidants.
  1. Antiviral Properties: Kuromoji tea is known to have powerful antiviral qualities that help strengthen the immune system and promise to treat a variety of infectious ailments.
  1. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Kuromoji tea consumption is associated with better cognitive function. The compounds present in the herbal tea support attention, focus and memory function.
  1. Soothing Aroma: Kuromoji tea is rich in Linalool, which is a naturally occurring compound found in many spice plants and flowers. The compound is known to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. You can experience the magical benefits of this compound by consuming Kuromoji tea.
  1. Improve Oral health: Alongside linalool, Kuromoji tea also contains geraniol and a few other compounds that help improve oral health. Geraniol, in particular, has several health benefits which also help improve heart health and reduce cholesterol levels.


Kuromoji tea is a popular herbal tea in Japan, known for its lightly sweet, spicy, and floral flavour. The herbal tea has numerous health benefits, due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and analgesic properties. The refreshing hot beverage also aids weight loss with its zero-calorie content.

Reyiko is an online store that specializes in zero-waste and sustainable products. We offer a range of sustainable products for your home and body. With Reyiko, you can also buy unique Japanese tea online and enjoy multiple health benefits.

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