Why You Need a Portable Travel Blender in 2021

Do you own a blender? Have you experienced the nourishing power of a state-of-the-art juicing device?

If you have yet to invest in your gateway to delicious smoothies, time saved, and better health, now might be the time to shop for a portable travel blender. 

Hear us out. With the COVID-19 vaccine underway, and the end of the pandemic practically in sight, many of us are looking to pick up where we left off in early 2020. That is, we’re hoping to safely continue our travels, return to work, and frequent the gym on a consistent basis.

You catch our drift. And this return to “normal,” of course, will require careful preparation and planning. Nutrition is crucial in this way—and a portable travel blender is an ideal place to start.


What Is a Portable Travel Blender?


Reyiko's Portable Blender

Travel blenders are, in essence, portable blenders you can easily take with you to different places. The devices don’t need to be plugged in during use, so you can blend delicious juices and smoothies as long as they’re charged. 

Portable blenders are generally smaller than your traditional in-kitchen machines. A relatively new staple of the health and travel industries, the single-serve devices are well-equipped to juice a range of fresh ingredients.

A key differentiator between food processors and travel blenders is that the latter don’t require electricity to be used. They’re ideal for when you go off the grid—or when you simply don’t have access to a wall outlet—and can be charged using any micro-USB cable.

That’s right: You can juice up your portable travel blender (no pun intended) from anywhere, charging it from your laptop or even the car.

The truth is that portable travel blenders are more than capable of whipping up your traditional green smoothie or post-gym shake, assuming you can pack your ingredients with you. They’ll also break down ice or even mix a good cocktail.

Ultimately, portable blenders are versatile. They’re simple to tuck away in your bag, hold in your hand, or use on the fly. And if their portability appeals to you, then you’ll likely want to continue reading.

The following sections of this article will outline how to use these compelling devices, and provide a short summary of what to look for should you decide to invest in your own sleek and portable blending device.


How to Use a Portable Blender

A blueberry-banana smoothie. 

A delicious frozen mojito.

An all-natural whey protein shake after an especially challenging workout.


These are just some of delicious recipes you might bring to life using your portable blender. Travel blenders and juicers generally consist of your typical bowl cover, handle, cup, razor blade, and switch button—plus an engine base and pilot lamp for charging.


So how, exactly, does one use this device? Here are four steps to consider, plus a quick guide on how to clean your miraculous machine after use:


  • Slice your ingredients into small pieces.

If you are adding fruit to your travel blender, make sure the produce is peeled and shelled as needed. (1.5cm x 1.5cm should work well.) From there, you can add your ingredients.

The ingredients should take up roughly 40% of the portable blender’s capacity, with liquid (think water or yogurt) taking up an additional 40%. The remaining 20% should remain empty for blending.


  • Make sure the battery is full before use.

    The back of Reyiko's Portable Blender, showing its charging port and micro usb cable

Aim to charge the battery for approximately three hours before the first use. This will ensure your portable blender is ready to go when you need it.

Most products will include a double-safety switch and work only when the cup box is fixed firmly to the machine seat.


  • Place the blender vertically on a flat surface.

After placing the device horizontally and quickly double-checking the start switch, you can revert the blender to an upright position. For the best results, shake the cup gently on the machine seat during use. 

The juicing time is typically around 25 seconds. To avoid overheating the electronic components of your device, you’ll need to wait before using the device again.


  • After juicing, uncover the cup and savor your creation.

How does that sound? Whether you’re relaxing blissfully at a campground, enjoying a light snack after a tough workout, or indulging in a homemade smoothie in the comfort of your hotel room, your travel blender has you covered. 

To clean your portable blender, you’ll want keep water away from the charging socket and power switch. The base cannot be soaked, though the blade is equipped to handle clean water. Most travel blenders should steer clear of the dishwasher.


Owning a Travel Blender: Pros and Cons

Travel blenders are sleek and compact mixers that can be taken on the road with you. They give you full control over your nutrition when you’re out and about, offering unparalleled flexibility.

Sounds pretty good, right?


Here are three reasons to invest in a travel blender this year:


  • Blend fresh fruit on the go.

Gone are the days of processed snacks or foregoing meals altogether when you travel. With a portable blender, you can blend fresh ingredients from anywhere.


  • Maintain a high metabolism.

Research shows that skipping meals and eating sporadically aren’t necessarily healthy for your metabolism. You can give your diet the boost it deserves with the reliability of a portable juicer.


  • Save time and money while you travel.

Don’t have the funds or energy to dine out during your travels? Running around between meetings with little time to spare? A portable blender could be your answer.

Despite these benefits, there are still a number of factors to be aware of.


Keep the following in mind when using your portable blender:


  • The blade cannot be stored in your carry-on luggage.

To keep the TSA happy the next time you visit the airport, place your portable blender inside your checked bag.


  • Most travel blenders are designed to blend fresh produce.

Many aren’t suitable for ground meat or nuts, which could compromise the effectiveness of the device.


  • Portable blenders are typically single-serve.

While perfect for trips and commutes, travel blenders aren’t designed for large crowds.

But that’s perfectly okay. Your travel blender will absolutely nourish you—and you can fill it with any fresh fruits and vegetables you like.


What to Look for in a Portable Blender

Ready to invest in a portable blender of your own? We applaud you for elevating your lifestyle in this way. You can bring your travel juicer to the office, on a picnic, or to your kids’ sporting events.

The options are seemingly endless. Here are four items to consider when shopping for a portable blender:


  • Easy to transport

For the most versatility, look for an option you can use while camping or in other remote environments.


  • Compact

If you’re going portable, pay close attention to the size of your blender. Select an option that fits perfectly inside a case, backpack, or traditional luggage.


  • Sustainable

BPA-free portable juicers—including those made from borosilicate glass—are a safe and eco-friendly alternative to plastic.


  • Operates on reduced power

Surely you want your blender to work off the grid. By focusing on a device that can operate on reduced power, you can use your juicer anywhere.

If these criteria sound appealing to you, you may want to consider a Reyiko travel blender. The cutting-edge device is easily-rechargeable with a micro-USB port. Three hours of charging time can accommodate seven or eight blends—and transform the way you indulge in fresh produce, frozen fruits, and spices.


Have questions about our eco-friendly product line? Please contact us for information.

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